Spring Quarter 2015
- CLA 200A: Approaches to the Classical Past
Emily Albu, UC Davis
- HIST 200B: Jews, Gentiles, and Christians in the Ancient Mediterranean World
Ra'anan Boustan, UCLA
- HIST 201E: The Historiography of the Roman Revolution (2C BCE - 2C CE)
Elizabeth DePalma Digeser, UCSB
A study of some of the most recent, most important historical scholarship treating this period.
- HIST 112C: Disaster & Reform: The Late Roman Empire, 3-4C CE
Elizabeth DePalma Digeser, UCSB
Fall Quarter 2015
- HIST 2A: World History to 1000 CE
Elizabeth DePalma Digeser, UCSB
- Graduate seminar on Religious Violence, funded by a Crossroads grant from UCSB's Graduate Division (stay tuned)
Elizabeth DePalma Digeser, UCSB
Winter Quarter 2016
- Representation and Self-Representation in 4th Century Media
Edward Watts, UCSD
This class looks at the tension between text and context in the fourth century. Drawing upon contemporary work on fourth century numismatics and manuscript production and dissemination, the class will encourage students to think critically about the tangible reality of the physical objects that contained texts and the way we must engage them as physical objects to properly study the texts they contain. The class will treat the following themes: numismatics and propaganda; letters and letter collections within manuscripts; fourth century textual editing and the manuscript as an object.
- Classics 250: Images of Rome: Readings from fourth and fifth-century Latin Literature
Michele Salzman, UCR
Special focus on Ammianus Marcellinus; Prudentius; Augustine's Letters